Refund procedure for tax on investment income in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG
Non-profit organizations can receive a reduction in capital income tax to zero in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG. In the following sections you will find information on how to apply, what deadlines you need to meet and what information and documents the Federal Central Tax Office requires to process your application.
For all applications already submitted on time in accordance with section 50c (3) EStG, which have not been proceeded conclusively, the application can be extended to include the basis for entitlement in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG by means of an informal letter and enclosing the documents listed below by post or email (to
If you have not yet applied in accordance with section 50c EStG, the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG must be submitted together with the application in accordance with section 50c EStG via the BZSt online portal (BOP). Paper applications will not be accepted.
General information
The withholding tax on investment income is currently 26.375%. This is made up of 25% capital gains tax plus 5.5% solidarity surcharge on the capital gains tax amount.
Capital gains tax that has already been withheld and paid can be refunded if this is possible under German tax law or under the provisions of a DTA.
The right to a refund in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG exists, among other things, only to the extent to which other provisions (e.g. section 44a (9) EStG, section 50c EStG) do not provide for a reduction of capital gains tax to zero. In addition, the claim only exists insofar as no crediting of the capital income tax, no deduction from the tax base due to the capital gains tax paid and no credit carryforward can take place abroad and has not taken place. Furthermore, the right to a refund must not be excluded when applying section 50d (3) EStG and section 50j EStG accordingly.
The creditor of the investment income must provide evidence of the conditions for reimbursement in accordance with sentences 1 and 2.
The refund procedure is subject to an application (see section 32 (6) sentence 5 in conjunction with section 50c (3) sentence 1 EStG).
In principle, non-profit corporations, associations of persons or asset pools with limited tax liability that are creditors of domestic investment income and that meet the requirements of section 5 (1) no. 9 KStG are entitled to a refund. The determination of non-profit status is based on sections 51 to 68 of the German Fiscal Code (AO).
Application period
The deadline for the refund application is based on Section 32 (6) sentence 5 KStG in conjunction with Section 50c (3) sentence 2 EStG. Refund applications must be submitted within a period of four years after the end of the calendar year in which the capital income or remuneration was accrued.
For capital income accrued up to and including 8 June 2021:
The period for submitting applications ends no earlier than six months after the date when the tax was paid (section 50d (1) sentence 10 of the Income Tax Act, old version).
For capital income accrued on or after 9 June 2021:
The period for submitting applications ends no earlier than one year after the date when the tax was paid (section 50c (3) sentence 2, second half-sentence of the Income Tax Act).
In principle, the deadline does not end before the expiry of a more favorable application deadline provided for in a double taxation agreement.
Electronic application
For applications in the refund procedure for tax on investment income in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG, the obligation to submit applications electronically in accordance with the officially prescribed data set via the officially specified interface applies (see section 32 (6) sentence 5 KStG in conjunction with section 50c (5) sentence 1 KStG, section 50c (5) sentence 1 in conjunction with section 52 (47a) sentence 2 EStG).
According to section 34 (10a) KStG, section 32 (6) KStG is to be applied in all open cases. For all applications already submitted in accordance with section 50c (3) EStG, the application can therefore be extended to include the basis for the claim in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG by means of an informal letter sent by post or email (to, provided the application deadline has not yet expired. The informal letter should contain the following information:
- Subject - section 32 (6) KStG;
- Name and address;
- Date of application/ transfer ticket number if applicable/ registration number of the application according to § 50c EStG if applicable
To ensure that your application is processed quickly, it is helpful if you also send the questionnaire on non-profit status and the documents listed therein directly.
If you have not yet applied in accordance with section 50c EStG, the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG must be submitted together with the application in accordance with section 50c EStG via the BZSt online portal. Unfortunately, the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG can currently only be alternatively displayed electronically. You can find the form in the BZSt online portal under the Forms & Services tab – “All Forms” on the left-hand side and then in the middle of the page under “Tax International” - Capital Gains Tax Relief under the heading "Application for reimbursement or exemption of investment income in accordance with section 50c or section 44a (9) of the Income Tax Act". Please complete the form according to your details. At the end of the form there is a free text field in which the following sentence is to be entered: "I would also like to submit an application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG."
The form currently does not contain any specific questions regarding the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG. To ensure that your application is processed quickly, it is helpful if you submit the questionnaire on non-profit status and the documents listed therein via the document submission function in the BZSt online portal following the application.
All other necessary information on the electronic application procedure and the BZSt online portal can be found on the website.
Historical background
The refund claim in accordance with the new section 32 (6) KStG for foreign non-profit organizations establishes conformity with Union law in the withholding tax on dividend and interest payments to non-profit organizations that meet the requirements of section 5 (1) no. 9 KStG. This is intended to ensure full equality of treatment between domestic and foreign non-profit organizations.
Questionnaire on non-profit status
Questionnaire § 50d paragraph 3 EStG (German/English)
Application for refund of German tax on investment incomte (de/en)
Sample certificate of residence
Sample power of attorney for tax matters
Indication of new bank details
Questions and Answers
Please Note
The following list of questions and answers (FAQ) is merely a guide. It is neither an administrative instruction nor a BMF circular. The information has no legal or binding effect. The decision in a specific individual case is always left to the competent tax office.
Who is responsible for the refund procedure in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG?
The Federal Central Tax Office is responsible for the refund procedure in accordance with section 16 AO in conjunction with section 5 (1) sentence 1 no. 2 FVG.
What law governs the non-profit status check?
The German Fiscal Code is the relevant law for questions relating to the concept of non-profit status under tax law. The relevant provisions on non-profit status can be found in sections 51 to 68 of the German Fiscal Code. For example, section 52 of the German Fiscal Code regulates which purposes are recognized as charitable and section 60 of the German Fiscal Code regulates the requirements for articles of association.
The Federal Central Tax Office checks whether the applicant organization meets the requirements for charitable status as defined in the Tax Code.
Who is entitled to apply for a refund of German tax on investment income in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG?
Non-profit corporations, associations of persons or funds with limited tax liability domiciled abroad that are creditors of domestic investment income to which the income is economically attributable at the time of receipt are entitled to file an application. The applicant therefore does not necessarily (also) have to be the creditor of the investment income under civil law. In addition, the requirements of section 5 (1) no. 9 KStG must be met. The determination of non-profit status is based on sections 51 to 68 of the German Fiscal Code.
Who is eligible to request a refund of German capital income tax under section 50c (3) of the Income Tax Act?
Refund applications may be filed by non-resident taxpayers who are the beneficiaries of income from capital at the time when the income is accrued.or by an authorized representative (see section 80 AO). The authorized representative must provide proof of legal authority to act on behalf of the creditor with limited tax liability in the tax administration procedure by means of a power of attorney.
What application deadlines apply to the refund procedure pursuant to section 32 (6) KStG?
The deadline for the refund application is based on Section 32 (6) sentence 5 KStG in conjunction with Section 50c (3) sentence 2 EStG. Refund applications must be submitted within a period of four years after the end of the calendar year in which the capital income or remuneration was accrued.
For capital income accrued up to and including 8 June 2021:
The period for submitting applications ends no earlier than six months after the date when the tax was paid (section 50d (1) sentence 10 of the Income Tax Act, old version).
For capital income accrued on or after 9 June 2021:
The period for submitting applications ends no earlier than one year after the date when the tax was paid (section 50c (3) sentence 2, second half-sentence of the Income Tax Act).
In principle, the deadline does not end before the expiry of a more favorable application deadline provided for in a double taxation agreement.
Are there application forms for the refund procedure pursuant to section 32 (6) KStG?
For applications in the refund procedure for tax on investment income in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG, the obligation to submit applications electronically in accordance with the officially prescribed data set via the officially specified interface applies (see section 32 (6) sentence 5 KStG in conjunction with section 50c (5) sentence 1 in conjunction with section 50c (5), sentence 1 KStG, section 50c (5) sentence 1 in conjunction with section 52 (47a) sentence 2 EStG).
According to section 34 (10a) KStG, section 32 (6) KStG must be applied in all open cases.
If you have not yet applied in accordance with section 50c EStG, the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG must be submitted together with the application in accordance with section 50c EStG via the BZSt online portal. Unfortunately, the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG can currently only alternatively be displayedelectronically.. You can find the form in the BZSt online portal under the Forms & Services – “All Forms” tab on the left-hand side and then in the middle of the page under “Tax International” - Capital Gains Tax Relief under the heading "Application for reimbursement or exemption of investment income in accordance with section 50c or section 44a (9) of the Income Tax Act". Please complete the form according to your details. At the end of the form there is a free text field in which the following sentence is to be entered: "I would also like to submit an application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG."
The form currently does not contain any specific questions on the application in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG. To ensure that your application is processed quickly, it is helpful if you submit the questionnaire on non-profit status and the documents listed therein via the document submission function in the BZSt online portal following the application.
All other necessary information on the electronic application procedure and the BZSt online portal can be found on the BZSt website.
For all applications already submitted on time in accordance with section 50c (3) EStG, which have not been proceeded conclusively, the application can be extended to include the basis for the claim in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG by means of an informal letter sent by post or email (to The informal letter should contain the following information:
- Subject - section 32 (6) KStG;
- Name and address;
- Application date/ transfer ticket number if applicable/ registration number of the application pursuant to section 50c EStG if applicable.
To ensure that your application is processed quickly, it is helpful if you also send the questionnaire on non-profit status and the documents listed therein.
Is it necessary to submit two applications if the refunds pursuant to section 50c (3) or section 44 (9) EStG and section 32 (6) KStG are applied for at the same time?
These are two separate bases for claims and therefore legally two applications and two administrative decisions. From an administrative point of view, however, the applications must be submitted together, as the prerequisite for section 32 (6) KStG is that no reduction of the capital gains tax to zero is provided for under other provisions (e.g. section 44a (9) EStG, section 50c EStG).
Is it possible to apply for a refund in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG for applications that have already been submitted?
For all applications already submitted on time in accordance with section 50c (3) EStG, which have not been proceeded conclusively, the application can be extended to include the basis for the claim in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG by means of an informal letter sent by post or email (to The informal letter should contain the following information:
- Subject - section 32 (6) KStG;
- Name and address;
- Application date/ transfer ticket number if applicable/ registration number of the application in accordance with section 50c EStG if applicable.
To ensure that your application is processed quickly, it is helpful if you also send the questionnaire on non-profit status and the documents listed therein.
Which documents must be submitted and must they be originals?
The following documents must be submitted:
- Mandatory in German:
- Questionnaire on non-profit status
- Articles of association (for associations/foundations or similar), foundation deed or other constitution, articles of association or cooperative agreement (for limited liability companies, cooperatives or stock corporations) or act of establishment (for public corporations)
- Extract from the register (association, GmbH, cooperative, public limited company, foundation)
- Official confirmation of the non-profit status of your own state
- activity report or comparable evidence
- statement of income and expenditure or cash reports
- balance sheet with evidence of the formation and development of reserves
- board minutes and minutes of members' or shareholders' meetings
- Evidence of support for (natural or legal) persons residing in Germany or evidence that the activity promotes the reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany
- In German or English language:
- Questionnaire § 50d paragraph 3 EStG
- Certificate of residence
- Tax certificate
- Power of attorney, if applicable
The documents do not have to be submitted in the original. In the case of a subsequent application, copies of the documents can be submitted by post or email (to When applying electronically, the documents must be uploaded via the BZSt online portal. In individual cases, however, original documents may be requested during application processing.
Where can I obtain a tax residence certificate as referred to in section 50c (5) of the Income Tax Act?
Applicants must prove their residence status with a verification from the tax authorities that have jurisdiction for them at the time when the income from capital accrues.
On the certificate of residence, the tax authority must confirm that (a) the applicant’s place of residence, habitual abode or management at the time when the capital income was accrued matches the information provided by the applicant in the refund application and (b) the applicant is therefore covered by the relevant agreement / had their registered office there / is an eligible applicant under section 43b of the Income Tax Act.
Please upload the residence certificate to the online portal when you file your refund application.
In certain cases, the German tax authorities may request submission of the original certificate of residence.
What is a tax certificate and where can I obtain one?
A tax certificate serves as proof of:
- the type of income from capital
- the amount of income from capital
- the amount of capital income tax withheld and
- the amount of solidarity surcharge withheld
Tax certificates are issued by domestic (i.e. German) paying agents. Under section 44 (1) sentence 4 no 3a of the German Income Tax Act, paying agents are
- German banks and financial services institutions and
- German securities institutions
that manage shares or hold them in safe custody and that disburse/credit the income from capital or disburse the income from capital to a foreign entity.
A credit advice (such as a dividend statement) from a (foreign) custodian bank does not qualify as a tax certificate.
Does an abuse test in accordance with section 50d (3) EStG also take place when applying in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG?
Yes, an abuse test in accordance with section 50d (3) EStG is also carried out as part of the test in accordance with section 32 (6) KStG, which follows from sentence 2 no. 2.
How long does it take for an application to be processed?
In general, applications are processed in the order received.
An application cannot be processed until all documentation has been submitted in full. The required documentation is specified in the relevant application form and the related instructions for filling out the form.
In the course of processing an application, the Federal Central Tax Office may request further documentation or information on a case-by-case basis.
The high volume of applications received may lead to longer processing times. To avoid further delays, the Federal Central Tax Office does not respond to status queries.
Federal Central Tax Office
Department St I B 3
An der Küppe 1
53225 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 406-1200
capital income tax