Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

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Tax exemption under Section 4, para. 1, no. 8, of the German Insurance Tax Act (VersStG)
Insurance policies for diplomatic missions and consulates

Section 4, para. 1, no. 8, VersStG grants insurance policies taken out by diplomatic missions and consulates or their members and personnel an exemption from taxation. The prerequisite for exemption is reciprocity, i.e., that the country stationing its diplomats is required to have comparable regulations providing tax exemptions for insuring diplomatic missions and consular facilities.

The reciprocity must always be verified on the date on which every bill for the insurance premium is prepared. For reasons of simplicity, the decisions made regarding the state of reciprocity are summarized in a list. . The reciprocity mentioned in the published list is valid for an unlimited period.

The published reciprocity list is a service of the Federal Central Tax Office. The published reciprocity list has no legally binding effect. No guarantee is given for the completeness and accuracy of the information

The current list of countries with reciprocity is found here:

Inquiries about countries that are not yet on the list or concerning those for which the decision’s validity is to be reviewed can be sent to the following addresses: steuer@gdv.de or 701-02@diplo.de


Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

Versicherung- und Feuerschutzsteuer
An der Küppe 1
53225 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 406-0
Fax: +49 228 406-18-3100

